The New York Times Thinks that Trans Issues Have "Minimal Impact".
The Times now making their stance crystal clear after President Trump's rampant attacks on the trans community.
The New York Times Opinion Board, in probably the most callous and unempathetic editorial piece I’ve seen, heck ever, just released their ranking of the 12 most important issues during President Trump’s first full month in office, entitled 10 Columnists and Writers Rate What Mattered in Trump’s First Full Month.
The premise, for the most part seems simple: Take all of his actions, which are going at a breakneck pace, and put them into an easy to digest helpful little graph. The Times themselves even justify it as such saying:
However, where the Times does things differently is, rather than analyzing this from an objective standpoint and making it easy for the reader to understand, they break all the responses down like something straight out of a board meeting, with almost robotic responses. But it gets worse.
The Times Opinion columnists and writers, when presented with the issue of trans rights, rated their impact as “less consequential” on the nation.
I shouldnt have to explain the flat out callousness behind this, but I will regardless. To just say that trans issues aren’t a “consequential” issue when they very much are and have real impacts on people is sickening. They also show the individual responses from the all of the writers, and its just as bad, if not worse.
Megyn Stack, one of the writers for the piece, scored this as “negative impact, less consequential”, (essentially saying Yeah its bad, but it wont really effect people, so🤷), with her saying:
That, even when next to all of the other 3 columnists who elaborated their reasonings, is the worst of them. To say that its not consequential since “so few lives are materially affected” when there are, according to the latest numbers from Gallup, around 1.3 percent of trans adults here in the States, around 1.3 percent of trans adults here in the States, which would equate to around 4,000,000 people, is just heartless.
There are, and will be lives that are being affected by not just the laws at the federal level, but also at the state level as well. For example, look at the bill being proposed in Texas which would ban HRT for everybody in the state. If that law passes, which it likely will, considering Texas' ruby red legislature, trans kids and adults will not be able to get the life saving care that they need. Care, which has been proven to time and time again, work. There! Right there, is a group of people whose lived will be affected greatly.
If were going off of data from the US Trans Survey’s Early Finding Report, in which they surveyed all the trans Americans in the 50 States and territories, of all the people that responded, when asked about gender affirming care, and how it affected your life, nearly everyone (98%) said that it affected their lives positively.
Its honestly sickening to say that “so few lives would be materially affected” when that just flat out isn’t true, but here we are.
Surely the other columnists responses can’t be worse, right?
Lets see.
Dear God.
Okay, lets first tackle the blatant bigotry that's in this.
First off, trans women are not, under any circumstances, biological men.
A study from the NIH back in 2022 shows that trans people brains may match their gender identity, not their biological sex. The study reads,
And while I’m not going to use this as some sort of smoking gun of sorts, it, and all of the other studies add more weight to this notion that even though, if were taking trans women specifically, it might say an M on the birth certificate, it does not match the actual biology of your child.
I know that I have repeated this, but it bears repeating: This was just cruel on the part of the Times.
To say that an entire eradication of a group of people is an inconsequential action, and to have it the second highest action with a positive impact in President Trump’s term is just flat out unempathetic.
Just let that thought marinate, let it stew in your brain for a minute.
In Donald Trump’s first full month as President, he and his ilk’s attempted eradication of trans people is ranked as inconsequential, and with a potentially positive impact.
I know it sounds like i’m a broken record just repeating the same thing over and over and over again, but this, along with the noted anti trans tilt over at NYT opinion, shows their bigotry.
Lets take a look at the numbers from the FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) report that was released pertaining this in May of 2023. Ill try to keep this short and succinct.
The report compared the front pages from the WaPo (Washington Post) and the Times from April of 2022 to May of 2023.
Here were their findings:
FAIR examined all front-page stories at the New York Times and Washington Post that centered on transgender and nonbinary people, and the politics and events engulfing them, from April 2022 through March 2023. While not capturing the entirety of a paper’s coverage of an issue, front-page coverage reveals both how important editors believe an issue to be and which angles of that story they believe to be most newsworthy. The Post put trans-centered stories on its front page 22 times during that year-long period; at the Times, trans issues were deemed front-page news only nine times.
The Times‘ headlines tell much of the story:
“Much Debate but Little Dialogue on Transgender Female Athletes” (5/29/22)
“Number of Youths Who Identify as Transgender Doubles in US” (6/11/22)
“Pressing Pause on Puberty” (11/22/22)
“Parents and Schools Clash on Gender Identity” (1/23/
You get the idea.
There is a blatant anti-trans tilt over at the New York Times, and while the WaPo isn’t any better, they do beat out the Times here, according to this study, even though that isn’t necessarily a high bar to cross.
And the fact that they did this so calmly, so nonchalantly, is what makes this even worse.
How can you look at the trans eradication that is currently going on, the constant flurry of laws that are being passed at the federal and state level, ripping away the ability for trans kids to get the life saving care that need, and robbing them ability to play sports under the guise of “protecting women”, and say that the callous heartless lawmakers not just in Washington, but across the country, are doing something that is inconsequential and positive.
Are you kidding me? Are you actually fucking serious?
Just another callous, heartless show of bigotry from the NYT opinion board.
Don’t think I’m letting the WaPo get off easy here. They have there own stuff to address, but that’s for another day.
Overall, Am I, and the entire trans community angry? Very.
Am I surprised? Not really. I had thought that the Times would get to this point, albeit just not at the pace that they did, considering them writing about this so many times.
In short: Awful, awful showing from the Times here. Saying that the stripping of trans rights is “inconsequential” is just a massive “f*** you” just to all the trans Americans who are having their right taken away.
Do better.