Gavin Newsom's Switch Up, again
The California Governor invited yet another transphobic guest onto his new podcast.
California Governor Gavin Newsom just invited another transphobic guest onto his podcast, This is Gavin Newsom, that being conservative radio host Michael Savage, again placing the reason for the Democratic party’s loss in the 2024 election at the feet of us in the trans community.
Now, I said this in my previous article about when Gov Newsom invited a transphobic Nazi onto his podcast, but it is so ironic to me that the same Gavin Newsom who has been vilified by the right for years, and made the subject of conspiracy theories, is now suddenly sitting down and having tea and crumpets with them, but that’s besides the point. Lets get into this.
Savage, who is 82, listed many reasons as to why he felt the Democrats lost and lost big, with the big one being the party’s acceptance of trans rights, saying:
Oh god. Does anyone on the right have anything new other than the brainwashing trope? Its honestly getting old at this point. Having someone who is queer in a school district reading to children, or telling a queer child that what they are feeling is normal, and creating a safe space is not brainwashing. If anything, telling a child to hate queer people and conditioning them to be transphobic is brainwashing, but I digress.
Yet again, like we saw with Charlie Kirk, Newsom says nothing to counter Savage on his blatantly hateful rhetoric, with Savage even going so far as to use the term “transvestite” to refer to transgender people, and again Newsom says nothing.
I think it is safe to say that Gavin Newsom has fully just stabbed the trans community, and the trans people who call California home in the back. To have one transphobic guest on your show, and not say anything and agree with him, that was bad enough. To have another one and not say anything again, not challenge him, nothing, is even worse.
This podcast was framed as being a friendly discussion ground, which isn’t a half bad idea on its own. The problem here is that Governor Newsom just doesn’t stand up for the millions of queer and trans people in his state.
People who came to Cali because Cali declared themselves a sanctuary state. People who came there because the state was doing things that made it safe for queer people.
To completely give those trans Californians not only one but two F**k you moments in the span of a week is just sickening.
And not only that, to turn off your phone lines and stop answering calls from people who have every singly right to be mad is so fucking weak. I’m convinced that Governor Newsom knew that this reaction would come. He knew that he would get this level of reaction, and yet he still did it. Why? He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing, that’s why.
Its a complete betrayal to the trans Californians who came there for a refuge from the state or country they are fleeing from. What Governor Newsom just did is just give those Californians a massive f*** you, because he is inviting noted transphobic Nazi asshats, and not saying anything, or in the case of Charlie Kirk, agreeing with them.
I know I sound like a broken record just repeating the same thing over and over, but Governor Newsom just betrayed queer and trans residents TWICE in the same week. That's crazy to me honestly, you invite a Nazi asshat onto your podcast and get criticized, and deservedly so, and after that, you invite ANOTHER ONE?!
Are you serious? At that point, your just asking to be shat on.
Governor Newsom really saw the criticism and said, Nah fuck that, give me second breakfast, I want it again.
Feel like it's safe to say that Governor Newsom isn't an ally, or is transphobic at the very least. These two things happening in rapid succession of one another can literally only mean one thing, that you're transphobic.
This is the thing that we're seeing far too much in the Democratic party now. They believe that it's us in the trans community that are to fault for them losing, when it isn't. They are putting this at our feet, blaming us saying “oh its not politically sustainable to support you”, which just gives the vibe that they didn’t want to support us from the beginning, they just needed some reason to, which is why were seeing Democrats switch up. We saw it with Seth Moulton and Tom Suozzi, and were seeing it again with Governor Newsom. They are wolf in sheep’s clothing, essentially saying, Oh yeah I support trans people, but then when it isn’t politically sustainable for you to do it, you back away.
It’s honestly sad and shows that the only people that are going to help us during this outright assault on trans rights, is us. The Democrats aren’t going always going to be there to help us, and the Republican party damn sure isn’t going to, so it’s up to us to help ourselves.
And as if this couldn’t get any more fucking worse, as i am writing this, Gavin Newsom, about ten minutes ago, just said that he will be inviting STEVE F**KING BANNON onto his podcast. Y’know the same Steve Bannon that got arrested? Oh my fucking god.
He really is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You really cant make this shit up. What a fucking snake.
I might cover that when the full podcast episode releases.
Anyways, I will end with this as a message to the representatives in Washington and across the US that are wolf’s in sheep’s clothing:
Trans rights, or get primaried.