Hm. That was a speech.
So I watched President Biden’s last speech as president last night and was torn. On one hand, I am grateful that he’s spent the last five decades as politician and his four years as president. However, I feel like the majority of the things that he is saying, are just a wee bit too late.
So, I’ve spent the last 24 (or 48 depending on when this goes live) hours processing my honest thought on what I thought to be the main important points, and give my honest opinions.
This one is going to be a seem a bit rushed, im sorry, I am MASSIVELY behind on this. I will try to better pace myself with these but i might have to spread the date of uploads out just a bit.
1. An Oligarchy is taking shape in the US.

This was Biden’s big point from his speech, that a massively high wealth class in the States is beginning to take shape with money and influence far beyond the human comprehension. And while yes, his words to ring a bit hollow, I feel like this warning could not come at a better time, especially with the, capitulation, essentially of the billionaire class to Trump. And people will still mock Biden for not doing anything about this, or warning us now, but, was there really anything he could have done that didnt result in the billionaires calling for his head? None that I could think of, but I could, of course be wrong.
2. We need to make it where no president is immune from political prosecution
One of Biden’s big points, and what i interpreted as shade to Mr. Trump, he said that there needs to be an amendment passed to the constitution to curb the immunity powers of the office.
“We need to amend the Constitution to make clear that no president, no president, is immune from crimes he or she commits while in office. The president’s power is not unlimited. It’s not absolute. And it shouldn’t be,” Biden said in prime-time remarks from the Oval Office.
Now, while I know people will forever be bitter and angry at AG Garland to the grave, and I am one of those people. You can not tell me that It took AG Garland till ‘23 to finally start pursuing legal action. What the hell were those two years after J6 spent doing, huh? Playing poker? Waiting for Trump to call you on the phone saying “Can you prosecute me ,please?”
But anyways, this is a shorter article from me, because im going to be taking a break from this, I have something big that I have broken ground on.
Ill try to upload something from time to time, but again massive apologies for the halfbaked article, I wanted to get this out last night, but it wasnt feasabile.